The latest Construction Industry and Data articles from Single Point

Goodbye January!

Goodbye January

Wow… January gone just like that!  It has been a busy start to the year as more and more businesses from the World of Construction are looking to leverage the value of the data held in their business systems.  The demand for our services to help these businesses implement their Analytics and Business Intelligence strategies is increasing week on week.  Single Point Solutions are helping a diverse range of businesses to realise their goals by helping them deliver their Analytics and BI solutions.  Over the coming weeks we will be introducing some of our clients and providing some insights as to what they are gaining from working with SPS and from the solutions we are helping to deliver. Strap in, hold tight… the ride is just beginning!

We help you to manage

Cash Right arrow. vermillion Time Right arrow. vermillion Risk Right arrow. vermillion
Gain an advantage over your competitors and be the first to learn how you can leverage data through analytics across your organisation.

We would welcome the opportunity to demonstrate how you can leverage your data and how you can move from measurement to control.  Complete the contact form below and we will get right back to you.